The huge “CTF Event Build” is here with boatloads of changes! Highlights include Epic’s now fully meshed CTF-TitanPass and CTF-Face. In addition, Jayoplus’ CTF-Pistola is fully meshed and available on the Marketplace.  CTF-TitanPass will be the closest you ever get to playing UT inside one of Gooba’s paintings. It is quite astonishing to see!

Coinciding with the release today, Epic held a Twitch stream and covered some of the new functionality. You now need to gain experience points to unlock items such as the Skaarj character and other wearables. Obviously the current community will be split on this but Epic is doing the right thing by adding modern game functionality to UT to hopefully garner some new fans.

The only way to currently build XP points is to play on an Epic Hub or complete some of the offline challenges. Therein lies the rub for admins running their own Hubs e.g. the Unreal Carnage Hub. Hopefully Epic will allow both XP points and replays to work on non-Epic Hubs very soon.


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