
  • DM-MCC-Leviathan link updated to RC1.  Massive changes and frame rate improvements.  See the Maps section to download.
  • DM-RB-Morpheus99 installed on the server.  Nice clean Morpheus.  Uninstalled other version.


  • DM-MCC-Fith released!  Be sure to delete Beta 1. See the Maps section to download.


  • DM-MCC-Dilithium released!  See the Maps section to download.


  • Found a “No Tags” mutator and made it votable on the server to allow turning off the floating player names in Deathmatch if desired. 


  • DM-MCC-Morbias has been updated.  Hopefully this is the final.  Download it from the Maps section and overwrite the previous version.


  • Reverted Malevolence RC2 back to RC1 due to stability issues.  Link has been updated in the Maps section.  You will need to download it and overwrite RC2.


  • MCC Server Stats are now completely automated and will be updated roughly every 10 minutes during and after each match.


New MCC Server Stats page started. See Check the Servers menu.  Hopefully I can get this completely automated.



  • Competitive Map Pack released.  This is an awesome group of HOLP style maps. Installed on the server.


  • New HOLP map, DM-Cipe by CrazyBastard released!


  • Awesome new character pack, Liandribots 3 installed on the server.  See Characters section.


  • DM-MCC-DeathFan final released!


  • The Unreal Old Friends (UOF) Map pack has been released.  Some cool maps including a DM-Peak remake.


  • DM-Glacial released by Chonglee.  Installed it on the server.  It is an absolute work of art.


  • DM-MCC-SpaceNoxx final released!!


  • HOLP 3 Volume 1 is out.  See the new section for HOLP maps under the Maps page.  Please download and install all of the HOLP maps.


  • Community Bonus Pack 3 Volume 4 is out!!  Installed on the server.  See Maps section.


  • Installed a pile of new character models on the server.  See Characters menu.
    • Liandri bots pack
    • Skaarj pack


  • Added a link for DM-DG-Tempered which has been on the server a while without a link on this site.


  • Cry’s Bitchday maps are out in beta form:DM-Q3ProTourney4 has been added to the server.  This map is a must have remake of a Quake 3 level.  See the maps list for the link.
    • DM-MCC-DeathFan (Beta 1)
    • DM-MCC-Fith (Beta 1)
  • The Community Bonus Packs Volume 1 and 2 have been recooked since the Titan pack came out.  Please redownload and overwrite.
  • Zunnie on the Epic Forums has stepped up and created a new redirect (Forum Post).  To see the files on it, click the UT3 Redirect link on the menu.


  • Installed two fun new Deathmatch maps on the server:
    • DM-Eggshell
    • DM-1on1-Katami


  • Version 2.1 Patch is out!  See menu link.
    • Some great voting changes for the server in this release.


  • DM-MCC-SpaceNoxx Beta 1 released. 
    • New amp spawn effects and new weapon bases.
    • Lots of fine tuning on the lighting.
    • Be sure to delete the old Beta 2 (yes I’m starting over :-))


  • DM-MCC-Hangar final edtion released!!


  • Added Instructional Videos on the menu at left to help with Version 2.0 additions.
  • Added installation link for the UltraInstagib mutator.  Please download since redirect has corrupt version.
  • Updated both DM-RB-Gray_Matter and DM-Station12 to new versions (v1.1).
  • Updated DM-TokaraFalls to DM-TokaraFalls2.  Hopefully this fixes some server-side issues.
  • FileFront has been saved by the original owners so most of the links should still be good.  My stuff is currently on Mediafire but I will put new releases back on FileFront.


  • Installed the first Release Candidate of the Hangar!  See the Maps link.
  • FileFront is going down so I will have to relink many of my map links.  This will take some time.  You could also Google search for the maps in the interim or click on the Release Thread to get to the forums.
  • Moved DM-SpaceNoxx to Mediafire since FF went down.  Hoping to have a SpaceNoxx update soon.


  • Installed 3 new maps on the server:
    • DM-RB-Gray_Matter
    • DM-CurseV
    • DM-Station12


  • Titan Bonus Pack and 2.0 patch are out!!!  See related menu items for the links.
  • Beta 2 of DM-MCC-Hangar now available.  See bottom of first post in beta thread for change log.  Tons of changes – getting much closer to final.


  • Another MASSIVE Hangar update.  First official beta release!  Lots of changes:
    • All dynamic lights removed and converted to Light Environments – fixes unlit movers on low graphics settings.
    • Other changes to lighting includes flashing monitors and green bay lights more subdued and realistic.
    • More realistic ship movement on exit of Hangar – tilts and turns.  More dramatic variable exhaust on hyperspace launch.
    • All new higher res materials and status items on control room monitors.  New ship sequence monitor shows DM-HeatRay drop.
    • New sky, vortex improvements, planets, and moon resizing positioning.
    • New colorized post processing volume.
    • Tons of texture alignments  and general lighting changes with light mapping adjustments.
    • Flow improvements – moved boxes near elevator.
    • New in-game screenshot.


  • Installed DM-Lighthouse on the server.


  • Huge Hangar update to v0.95!  See the top of the maps section for the new link.TheHangar renamed to MCC-Hangar.  Be sure to delete your old “TheHangarv0.90a” map.
    • Awesome new ship launch sequence.
    • Variable ship exhaust and more thruster movement.
    • Lots of flooring changes.
    • New blocking volumes on upper glass section.
    • Amp and Deemer status on monitors in the control room with dynamic scene changes on other monitors.


  • DM-MCC-SpaceNoxx for UT3 is ready for beta testing!  See the Maps section for link.
  • Hangar link is currently down.  Massive new update ready in a few days.


  • Installed the AWESOME Gears of War Character Pack!!  See the new “Characters” menu and install instructions.
  • Installed the following maps:
    • DM-Morpheus3
    • DM-Viridian-Tourney
    • DM-TokaraFalls
    • DM-PlayTable
    • DM-Churn][
    • DM-Tomac-WE
    • HOLP2 Map Pack (Hardcore Oldskool Low Poly)


  • Updated The Hangar to v0.90a to fix a couple of bot issues, primarily the bots trying to get to the invisibility while the loading ramp was up.


  • Added Camera Control mutator to the server.  This allows mouse wheel scrolling in vehicle games ala UT2004.  Get it in the Utilities/Mutators section.


  • The first beta (v0.90 series) of DM-TheHangar is ready!  Link has been updated.
    • Changes include new materials on the stasis pods which allow the map to “cook” for the first time!  The zip now includes 3 files so be sure to delete the old files and install all 3 files.
    • Other changes include lots of small gameplay tweaks and blocking volume adjustments.
    • Awesome new sunlight effects!  Sun glint emitter, new sun overlay and sun rays.


  • DM-TheHangar has been updated to version 89d.  Link has been updated.
  • DM-Grand-Diablo from Warbeast released!
  • DM-Worm added to the server.


  • Community Bonus Pack 3 Volume 2 released!  Make sure to point the installer to your UT folder in My Documents not in Program Files!


  • Installed DM-TheHangarv0_89!!!!  Link is in the Maps section.


  • Installed DM-DG-NecrisIsland.


  • Community Bonus Pack 3 Volume 1 released!!!
  • Installed CPB3V1 on the server.
  • User interface mod to make UT3 menu like the original UT’s “UWindows” interface is in the works.  Check out the progress here!


  • Installed DM-DG-Waterfalls on the server.


  • Installed DM-StalwartXL remake on the server.
  • Installed DM-TempestX2 remake on the server.


  • Installed DM-Acquisition from Slainchild (retail mapper) on the server.
  • Got redirection working on UT3 server but it will be slower than 2K4 since the file sizes are higher and compression doesn’t seem to be as strong.
  • There is now a Cache Converter available to convert maps out of the cache after downloading from the redirect.  See the Utilities section.


  • Bonus Pack #1 for UT3 released!!  Contains a new Morbias and CTF-Face!
  • Patch v1.2 is available and has been installed on the server.
  • Installed DM-Liandri.
  • Installed DM-Gael.


  • Installed DM-Agony3-SE on the server.


  • Installed DM-Elevation on the server.


  • Installed a pile of new maps on the UT3 server:
    • DM-Cath
    • DM-Codex
    • DM-Downpour
    • DM-FST-Morbias
    • DM-Krodan
    • DM-Shrine
    • DM-TheConveyor

UT2004 Archive:

This archive contains all of the old UT2004 news, installation information and server maplist.

  1. News Archive
  2. Installation and Map Information
News Archive


  • Direct IP address no longer needed to join.  I now have a DNS service so you don’t have to worry about an IP address any more.  Just type in the DNS address in the Current IP Address and it will resolve automatically to whatever my current IP address is.
  • The “Check The Servers” menu group at left has been redesigned.  There is now a “UT & TS Status” menu item that has a TeamSpeak status box showing who is online and also a UT server status box.  These boxes will cause web page timeouts if the server is down.
  • The easiest way to join the server is just by clicking on the “Join UT Server” button and likewise to join Teamspeak automatically as a guest, click on that button.


  • Installed 4 new maps on the server:
    • DM-Redkin
    • ONS-Maelstrom
    • DM-Goatswood
    • DM-MorbiasRuinsXXL


  • Installed DM-Barricade][ on the server.  Ahhhh brings back memories of drinkin’ beers and fightin’ BadAss for the deemer at the top of the castle…


  • The Soulkeeper SE mod is out.  Pretty damn amazing what these guys have done for free.  I may attempt to figure out how to setup a dedicated server so we can try it out.  So far the only link I have is FilePlanet so you might have to wait a long time in the queue.  Get it here after you login.



  • I’ve officially abandoned the private voice channel so there is no reason to stay on v33.23.  Teamspeak will be used from here on out.  Go ahead and install the UT2004 Mega Pack to get the latest patch plus the new maps.


  • Second Epic bonus pack out!  The UT2004 Mega Pack has been released.  It contains the 33.69 patch and some new maps.  It’s installed and ready to go on the server. Go to the bottom of the Maps Section get it.
  • An early alpha build of UT Revolution has been released.  Pretty impressive stuff that they are trying to do, which is, create the original UT as a mod to UT2004.  You need the 33.69 patch to run it if you want to try it.


  • Patch v33.69 has been released!  It’s installed and ready to go on the server.  On the client side, I’m going to stay at 33.23 to allow creation of the private chat channel.  If you want it, see the Latest Patch section.


  • The Ultimate Community Map Pack 2 is out!!  I’ve got it installed on the server but I’ll probably weed out some of the maps and pick the best ones like last time.  Go to the bottom of the Maps Section get it.


  • Installed a voice pack on the server for the first time.  I also UZ compressed it and put it up on the redirect already so you’ll get a download of it the next time you join.  See the new Voice Packs/Skins Section.
  • I put up a new link for Levels4You in the links section.  They have a bunch of skins and voices.
  • You probably don’t need to pre-download stuff that you aren’t using for your player.  Just get it off the redirect when you join the server and then do a cache clean afterwards.


  • Installed DM-ColdCity on the server.  See the bottom of the Maps Section.


  • The UT Revolutions link below was hit by a DDos attack so it’s down for the time being.


  • There is finally an update at the UT Revolutions site.  Looks like they are getting ready to release a demo.  This really could be fun if they actually pull off the act of recreating UT99 into the UT2K4 engine.


  • The second UT Classics Map Pack is out.  Excellent stuff for us nostalgic types.  See the bottom of the Maps Section .
  • Removed some of the same named versions of these maps that weren’t anywhere near as good as these.


  • Holy crap folks!  If you haven’t checked out screenshots for the SoulKeeper mod, DO IT NOW!  They have a bunch of new screenshots that look awesome. 


  • There is a new map pack out called the Ultimate Community Map Pack.  I’ve tried out a few of the maps and have put the best ones on the server.  You will need to install the whole pack though since it would be impossible to weed out only the files that are on the server.  See the bottom of the Maps Section for the download link.  By the way, I clicked on “no” when asked to replace any files – hope that doesn’t hose something.
  • By the way, Epic has finally begun to release info about the next UT – codenamed “Envy” at this point.  PlanetUnreal has a link at the top of the page for it now.  Looks to be a huge jump in visuals.  According to Computer Gaming World magazine, the hi-res shots of Malcolm are actual in-game shots.  “Holy Shit!” is right bitches!  It probably won’t be out for another year or two though.


  • Patch v33.55 has been released!  It’s installed and ready to go on the server.  See Latest Patch section.  Hey, what a surprise, it doesn’t fix the private channel.  I’ll keep the server at v33.55 but I will probably revert my client puter to v33.23 to keep the auto-join capability.


  • Installed DM-1on1-Nagem on the server (see the Maps Section).  It’s the latest Cliffy B’s Ownage map.  The info on the map is located under the “Community” menu in the game.


  • Installed Windows XP Service Pack 2 on the server to improve the security on it.  Seems to be working okay so far…  Haven’t tested voice comms though.


  • Added a link to the previous patch version, v33.23 just in case you want to revert patches to use the auto-join feature for the private chat channel.


  • Installed a couple of remakes on the server.  DM-Ariza2k4 and DM-FetidSewers are remakes from the original UT.  They aren’t that high quality but they are good for nostalgic types like myself.  You will only be able to get them on the redirect so don’t forget to clean the ole cache.


  • Installed a new Onslaught map on the server called Toon Country.  Haven’t tried it yet but it looks pretty wild.  Go to the Maps Section for the link.


  • Private chat update:  Only one of us (okay, me) needs to stay on the previous patch level, v33.23.  This is due to the fact that once the private channel is created (with a v33.23 client), folks with v33.39 can join it.  I also posted a message in Epic’s server admin forums so hopefully someone will have some ideas or workarounds.
  • Private chat problem: I reapplied the previous patch to my main computer but left the server at v33.39.  Lo and behold I can create a private chat channel again.  It seems that since each patch contains all of the same files, you can repatch with an older patch (as long as it has the backward/forward compatibility blessing from Epic – not all patches do).  So for the time being, if you want to use the private channel, try rerunning the previous patch, v33.23.


  • The redirect server is back up.  They lost their hard drive so it is getting rebuilt from scratch.  I was able to upload the maps that I’ve got on the server that weren’t back on the redirect yet so we should be covered.  It’s amazing to see how fast it is getting rebuilt!
  • I’ve done several tests on the private chat channel problem.  It is definitely caused by the latest patch and not by my recent upgrade to XP Service Pack 2.  I may try reverting to the previous patch until this gets fixed.


  • Patch v33.39 has been released!  It’s installed and ready to go on the server.  See Latest Patch section.


  • The redirect server has been down for several days.  Seems they are working on it but we won’t be able to run the server public until that gets fixed.


  • Added CTF-HallofGiants2004 to the server.  This was one of the more fun CTF maps from the original UT.  Go to the Maps Section for the link.
  • I’ve now officially tried the UT2004Mi tool (see Utilities) to install zipped maps.  Once you get it configured to point to your game directory and also to the directory where you are downloading all of your maps, it makes installing maps quite painless.


  • The original Community Bonus Pack for UT2003 has finally been ported to UT2004!!  I’ve got it installed and ready to roll on the server.  Scroll to the bottom of the Maps Section for the link.  This is a must download since it’s 137MB!  Uh, do ya think we have enough maps yet??


  • Installed the Bonus Vehicles mutator to allow the new vehicles from the ECE pack into the old Onslaught levels.


  • Installed ONS-RapaNui and ONS-Nevermore-ECE (uses ECE vehicles) on the server.  There are no .oggs but if you don’t want to wait for a redirect download, get ’em in the Maps Section.


  • Check out some of the latest screenshots of Unreal Engine 3.0 (which will power UT2006):
    • Comparision of a player model from UT, UT2003/4, and UE3 here.  The jump to UE3 looks to be huge.
    • Burned out city scene in UE3 here.
  • Haven’t had any further server hang-ups at the end of Onslaught rounds so something fixed itself…


  • Epic’s “Editor’s Choice Edition” Bonus Pack is out!!!!  I installed it on the server so we should be ready to test ‘er out!  Go to the bottom of the list in the Maps Section for the link.  Okay, so it’s not quite “MONSTER” but the maps set new standards for design.


  • Epic has shipped the “Editor’s Choice Edition” of UT2004 to stores.  For current 2004 owners, this will be downloadable as a MONSTER bonus pack!!  I’ll have a link when it’s ready!


  • Update:  Still haven’t found out why the server is crashing a lot more now and nobody else seems to be having the problem.  Worse yet, Epic has decided that only v33.23 servers will be shown on the master server list so rolling back to the previous patch is not an option.


  • Well, the new patch and Onslaught don’t like each other too well.  I’m trying to find a solution to the server crash and auto restart at the end of some Onslaught rounds.  If I can’t fix it, I will probably roll back the patch.  Clients won’t need to roll back however since the latest rounds of patches are all compatible with each other.


  • Patch v33.23 has been released and I installed it on the server.  See Latest Patch section.
  • Installed ONS-Perimeter on the server.   This is another map from one of the retail game mappers.  This one does not have an .ogg file but you will want to download it ahead of time since it is a HUGE download.  See the Maps Section.
  • Installed ONS-Dreamus2 on the server.  This one DOES have an .ogg file so you will need to download it to get the music.  See the Maps Section.


  • Installed ONS-Dinora on the server.  This one is made by the guy that did Torlan.  See the Maps Section.
  • There is going to be a new patch available shortly.  I’ll have a link when it’s ready.
  • Added a links section with some of the better UT links at the bottom of the side bar.  Some are news sites and a couple are map sites.


  • I removed the Liandri2003 remake from the server due to problems with the elevator.  It didn’t port over quite right from UT2K3.  In its place, I put Liandri2004 by the same mapper.  It’s a little too dark so it’s not quite as fun but at least the elevator works…  You can just get it off the redirect since it uses a standard .ogg file.


  • I’ve been given the blessing by the maker of the Spacenoxx remake to recompile it with a different extension and use the classic Spacenoxx music found in the UT Classics map pack.  It’s sweet!  You can only get it off the redirect but as long as you have installed the UT Classics map pack, you will be able to hear the music when you play it.  An Unreal Carnage exclusive :-).
  • Also, I just received an email from the guy who made the Fractal remake.  After I asked him if he could add music to it, he decided to add more stuff to it and improve it.  He wants people to beta test it so if you want to try it, you can get it here.


  • Kiss the lightning gun goodbye in deathmatch.  I installed the sniper rifle mutator.  Lightning gun stays in Onslaught though since it is most likely more effective on the Raptors.


  • Installed DM-TDB-Healpod on the server.  You will want to download and install this one.  See Maps Section .
  • Installed the UT Classics map pack on the server.  You will want to download and install this one.  See Maps Section .


  • If you like music in your maps, I just discovered that “.ogg” music files do not get pushed by the redirect server and confirmed this by searching the admin forums.  This is a known “feature” in the dedicated server.  Some of the maps just reuse the music that shipped with the retail game but quite a few of the maps in the maps section  have separate “.ogg” files.  So, if you want to have music while you play, you will have to download most of the maps in the maps section and install them as opposed to getting it off the redirect.  I will make a note below each link for the maps that have additional “.ogg” files.