Unreal Carnage

Unreal Tournament | Unreal Engine News

Author: MauL (page 51 of 52)

New UT3 map review site

Wizd3m has put up a nice new site with a clean layout for UT3 map reviews called the  Liandri Vault.  He has a nice intro here.

Gears character cosplay

This is some hardcore sheite right there!  Custom made Anya Stroud Gears of War outfit and all :D.  Read more.


Gibs now working on Morbias custom materials

I can confirm gibs are now working in the latest RC of Morbias he he :P.

TeamSpeak 3 installed on the server

Took down the old TeamSpeak 2 server and installed TeamSpeak 3 finally.   Also got new query code working on the Query page (top menu) for the server.  Go to the bottom of the Install page for the download link.

Botskill now votable on the server

Removed “difficulty=” from all votable gametypes except for a new set of votable gametypes at the bottom of the vote list to change bot skill.

Now the bot skill will stay the same as the value in the server startup string (adept) but can be overridden by voting for a “Set botskill” gametype.

The bot skill will stay the same through all other maplist votes until another “Set botskill” vote is made.

DM-MCC-Morbias RC2 available.

Made a few small material changes to lights and light cones and changed the physics property of the brick material to make sure gibs show.  Get it HERE.

UnrealDB website is live!

Henrik Ryosa (aka Bersy and Voxhouse Studios) has put together a database of Unreal based development items which includes content and some excellent tutorials.  Check it out HERE.

CPB3 Volume 5 Released!

The Community Bonus Pack folks are back with a surprise release!  A whole new pile of retail quality maps and pure awesomeness.  Installed on the MCC server and ready for action.  Download now!

Awesome action in DM-Amyrade

Looking forward to more action on DM-Amyrade and learning my way around.

MCC-Curse Beta 3 available

Finally got the rain and lightning bolts visible online.  Beta 3 should be a good playable representative of what could be a final.  Still a bunch of small touches left.  Installed it on the server so it’s ready to go.

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