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Unreal Tournament | Unreal Engine News

Category: General News (page 8 of 9)

Photoshop CS2 is now free

In case you guys haven’t seen this, Photoshop CS2 is now free.  Obviously a very capable program for making Unreal Engine 3 textures :).

Get it HERE.  Be sure to copy the serial number on this page to install.

Nvidia Grid Cloud Gaming

I had to post this in case you guys hadn’t seen it yet.  Has Nvidia finally figured out cloud gaming??  Time will tell but this video of BF3 playing on a Nexus 7 (!) is impressive.  Mobile UT3 on a Nexus 7 = schweeet!

The Longevity of Unreal Tournament

Epic Games Community site has been running a series called The Longevity of Unreal Tournament.  Her Epic-ness, Flak, is interviewing the remaining members of the original UT team. Fun stuff. Cliffy is missing of course which is too bad. So far there are 3 parts (*updated: Part IV added*):

The Longevity of Unreal Tournament:
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV

Such awesomeness…getting….choked….up…


Jailbreak Bloody Mappack

BloodK1nG announced a HUGE mappack for the UT3 Jailbreak mod!  His description of what it took to get there is hilarious!

“After seven years of developping, 4 divorces, 14 index finger tendinitis, triple brain cancers, two suicides, one detox stay, and been kidnapped by a female skaarj during six months on a strange island I’m finally able to release my mappack. It contains 40 maps for the Jailbreak mod on Unreal Tournament 3, there are maps for all tastes.  I hope you have fun and enjoy!”

CTF-Mako by Stevelois released!

Another sweet map by mapping machine Stevelois!  Read more on Steve’s site.

DM-CBP3-Maidenlike released!

The bonus map for CBP3 Volume 5 has been released and it looks incredible.  Will be putting it on the server shortly.

CBP3 Volume 5 bonus map on the way

The CBP folks are cooking up a bonus map for the Volume 5 pack.  Only a few days left before Christmas guys!  This thing looks insanely beautiful.  Read more HERE.

CTF-Mako by Stevelois available soon

Another beautiful map from Stevelois has been completed, CTF-Mako!  Steve’s become a mapping machine!  He plans to release it in early January.  Stay tuned…

New UT3 map review site

Wizd3m has put up a nice new site with a clean layout for UT3 map reviews called the  Liandri Vault.  He has a nice intro here.

Gears character cosplay

This is some hardcore sheite right there!  Custom made Anya Stroud Gears of War outfit and all :D.  Read more.


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