Epic was able to get this week’s build out earlier than usual. Most likely this is due to the Community Event this weekend. Another new CTF map in this build, CTF-Blank!
Check out the changelog HERE.
Epic was able to get this week’s build out earlier than usual. Most likely this is due to the Community Event this weekend. Another new CTF map in this build, CTF-Blank!
Check out the changelog HERE.
In this week’s update Steve Polge shows off some crazy changes to the Bio Rifle. In this build, you can use goo in combination with the link gun to make some crazy traps. They also reveal that there will be another Epic event this weekend so be sure to go to the UT Twitch channel to follow the action.
The White Dragon and Sir Brizz keep on rolling with another solid update on the current state of the new UT.
One of the possibilities when Epic announced that they were going to build the new UT as an open collaboration with the community was that they could potentially uncover some very talented folks. The most amazing thing so far, relative to the new UT, has been the discovery of Gooba (aka Adam Wood) who has truly otherworldly artistic skills. At this point, he could design every aspect of the new UT and I wouldn’t mind one bit!
With that in mind, Gooba is now tackling the rocket launcher. His design is light years ahead of the other concepts presented so far.
I was a bit surprised to see Epic get back on their typical schedule of Friday pre-alpha releases after last week’s delay. Big news in this release is the movement changes regarding acceleration. This adjustment is getting raves from the UT community and it definitely gets the MCC stamp of approval :).
Check out the changelog information page HERE.
The menu is awesome Halloween goodness complete with a Halloween-ified UT musical score!
Today’s UT project update covers the major progress made on the bots, Sidney’s sweet new CTF map and much more. On the swag front, I’m a little disappointed that they don’t have a shirt with the new logo. On the flipside, just six months ago, UT shirts were a complete afterthought on the Epic store!
Epic released a 10/27 Pre-Alpha build of UT today. This is the delayed version of what would have typically been a Friday release. Due to Linux build issues, they were unable to release it on Friday.
Debuting along with this build today is a very nice Release Notes page on the Wiki. Check it out HERE.
Here’s a couple of screenshots of more Gooba-goodness as he tackles some concepts for the link gun in the new UT. Awesome!
This week’s UT project update discusses work on the HUD that has started, in particular, focusing on the official thread in the forums that Joe Wilcox started. In addition, they debuted a short film documenting the Epic event that took place in September. This is a MUST watch for UT fans.
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Hard to believe, but BU Podcast Episode 20 is here! Hot topics in this edition are the mouse fixes, sniper, TL, and hud. Congrats to TWD and Sir Brizz on reaching Episode 20 without burning out :).
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