How to Join the MCC UT3 Server:
- To join the server, from the main menu in UT3, hit the F10 key to bring down the console and type:
- open
- (Next time you play, just hit the F10 key and the down arrow to retrieve the “open” command and hit Enter)
- open
- Alternatively, the server will typically be run public so you can find it on the in-game browser and set it as a favorite.
Connect to the TeamSpeak 3 Server:
[maxbutton id=”12″] (you need password: send me a PM in the forum.)
You can join using the button above or you can create a new connection in TeamSpeak 3 with the following server address:
UT3 Server Console Commands and Admin:
Here are some useful console (F10) commands (use verbage between quotes):
- Change your name when you enter the game
- If you don’t like the name that Gamespy dealt you, you can change it when you enter the server using the UTComp interface (F5)
- Login as admin to add/delete bots or force map change:
- “adminlogin password” (Send me a PM in the forum to request the password)
- Logout as admin:
- “adminlogout”
- Add one bot in:
- “admin addbots 1”
- Kill all bots:
- “admin killbots”
- Helpful Keybinds:
- You can bind the admin stuff to keys in the UTInput.ini (C:\Users\Your Name\Documents\My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\UTGame\Config) under the [Engine.PlayerInput] section like this (include quotes):
- Bindings=(Name=”PageUp”,Command=”adminlogin password”)
- Bindings=(Name=”PageDown”,Command=”adminlogout”)
- Bindings=(Name=”Insert”,Command=”admin addbots 1″)
- Bindings=(Name=”Delete”,Command=”admin killbots”)
- You can bind the admin stuff to keys in the UTInput.ini (C:\Users\Your Name\Documents\My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\UTGame\Config) under the [Engine.PlayerInput] section like this (include quotes):
- Ping Control:
- You can raise your ping to match other players by using the “pktlag=#” command in the console.
- If you have a ping of 50 or so, typing “pktlag=50” in the console will raise your ping to a little over 100ms.
- My keybind in UTInput.ini:
- Bindings=(Name=”End”,Command=”pktlag=60″)
- My keybind in UTInput.ini:
October 29, 2012 at 10:52 pm