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Installation Instructions for UT3 and TS3


1. Map Install Sequence – User Created Maps:

  1. Place downloaded maps into the following folder:
    • C:\Documents and Settings\Your Name\My Documents\My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\UTGame\Published\CookedPC\CustomMaps
    • If you don’t have the end part of that path, i.e. “Published\CookedPC\CustomMaps”  you will have to create that folder structure.
    • Install the maps into the “CustomMaps” folder.

2. Character Install Sequence – User Created Characters:

  1. The path for Custom Character installs will look like this:
    • C:\Documents and Settings\Your Name\My Documents\My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\UTGame\Published\CookedPC\CustomChars
    • If you don’t have the end part of that path, i.e. “Published\CookedPC\CustomChars”  you will have to create that folder structure.
    • The CustomChars folder typically has a “.upk” file that goes right in the CustomChars root and also subfolders that contain .ini files.
      • The subfolders are either named the same as the Custom Character or could be the name of the entire faction of Custom Characters.

3. UT3 Install Sequence from Original Disc (non Steam Version)

  1. Install UT3 from disc
  2. Install patch v2.0 (UT3Patch4.exe) (3/5/2009)
  3. Install Titan expansion pack (UT3TitanPack.exe) (3/5/2009)
  4. Install Epic Bonus Pack (UT3Bonuspack.exe) (5/2/2008)
  5. Install patch v2.1 (UT3Patch5.exe) (5/4/2009)
  6. Go to the Maps section and download all maps.  Alternatively,you can download Marty’s Mega Map Pack on the Maps page which is all of the custom maps on my puter.
  7. Go to the Characters section and download all characters.
  8. To unlock all of the original characters without having to finish the single player game, at the main screen, hit F10 to bring up the console and type “unlockallchars”.
4. UT3 Steam Version Installation:
  1. The Steam version of UT3 should automatically be patched to the level in the sequence above (known as UT3 Black Edition).  Get it HERE.
  2. The Steam version still uses the My Documents, My Games folder like the non-Steam version.  The folder structure for custom maps and characters is not there so they will have to be created.   See the Maps and Characters Installation info on this page for info.
  3. Complete steps 6 through 8 above in the instructions for installing from disc.

5. Teamspeak 3:

  1. The server is currently using Teamspeak 3.  Get it HERE.
  2. The URL for the Teamspeak 3 server is:  ts40.gameservers.com:9102  (PM me on the forum for the password)
  3. Once you are connected, to make reconnecting easy, go to the bookmark menu and make a bookmark.  Once you have the bookmark saved you can edit it  by highlighting it in the “Manage Bookmarks” window (click on”more” button).  Check the box that says “connect on startup” and the next time you start TS3 it will automatically connect to the server if it is up.



  1. Installed TS3 tonight….wasn’t sure how to setup the shortcut to direct connect like we used to do…

  2. The shortcut URL is listed above. You just right click on the desktop and make a new shortcut and paste that in. To be honest you don’t really need to because I made the default channel the UT channel. I will send more info and password via email. Any other UOFer’s or Epic Forums folks that want to join the TS3 or UT3 server just use the Comment form on this page to message me.

  3. Just added a third option in the TeamSpeak 3 connection options.

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