Unreal Carnage

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Custom Maps Installed on the Server

Note:  See Install page for map installation instructions.

Unreal Carnage Server Mega Map Pack:

  • The simplest method to install all of the maps on the server is to download this huge pack.  You can download a zip file of all of the custom maps on my hard drive and put them in the Custom Maps folder.
    • Get it HERE.  (~7GB) (updated: 01/15/13)
    • Maps listed below that have been updated after the Mega Map Pack date have an (**) asterisk next to them.  Please download these individually and overwrite any old version of the map if necessary.
M^ul’s Carnage Company Maps:
  1. DM-MCC-Hangar (Release Thread) (Review) (Video) (Over 2000 total downloads)
  2. DM-MCC-SpaceNoxx (Release Thread) (Over 1000 total downloads)
  3. DM-MCC-DeathFan (Release Thread) (Over 300 total downloads)
  4. DM-MCC-Fith
  5. **DM-MCC-Leviathan RC2
  6. **DM-MCC-Morbias
  7. DM-MCC-Curse beta
  8. DM-MCC-“Custom HOLP Map” (in progress…)(not on server)
  9. DM-MCC-Fractal (not started)(not on server)
  10. DM-MCC-Tundra (not started)(not on server)
  11. DM-MCC-Radikus (started – on hold)(not on server)

 Hardcore Old School Low Poly (HOLP) Map Packs:

  1. Hard Core Oldskool Low Poly Pack 1 (HOLP 1)
  2. Hard Core Oldskool Low Poly Pack 2 (HOLP 2)
  3. Hard Core Oldskool Low Poly Pack 3 Volume 1 (HOLP 3 Vol 1) 
  4. Hard Core Oldskool Low Poly Pack 3 Volume 2 (HOLP 3 Vol 2)

Unreal Old Friends (UOF) Map Packs:

  1. Unreal Old Friends Map Pack 1 (Release Thread)
  2. Unreal Old Friends Map Pack 2 (Release Thread)
  3. Unreal Old Friends DM Map Pack (Release Thread)
  4. **Unreal Old Friends DM Low Poly Pack (Release Thread)

Competitive Map Pack:

  1. Competitive Map Pack 1 (Release Thread)
  2. **Competitive Map Pack 2 (Release Thread)

Community Maps – Deathmatch (newest on top):

  1. **DM-Mako L2 (Release Thread)
  2. **DM-Valon (Release Thread)
  3. **DM-BigWig (Release Thread)
  4. **DM-RB-Barricade (Release Thread)
  5. **DM-Malevolence-LP (Release Thread)
  6. **DM-CBP-Daoist (Release Thread)
  7. DM-Amyrade (Release Thread)
  8. DM-RB-Morpheus99 (Release Thread)
  9. DM-Malevolence_RC1 (Release Thread)
  10. DM-Cipe (Release Thread) (CrazyBastard’s Website)
  11. DM-Glacial (Release Thread) (Chonglee’s Website)
  12. DM-DG-Tempered (Release Thread)
  13. DM-Q3ProTourney4 (Release Thread)
  14. DM-1on1-Katami (Release Thread)
  15. DM-Eggshell (Release Thread)
  16. DM-Station12 (Release Thread)
  17. DM-RB-Gray_Matter (Release Thread)
  18. DM-Lighthouse (Release Thread)
  19. DM-Tomac-WE (Release Thread)
  20. DM-Churn][ (Release Thread)
  21. DM-PlayTable (Release Thread)
  22. DM-TokaraFalls 2 (Release Thread)
  23. DM-Viridian-Tourney (Release Thread)
  24. DM-Grand-Diablo (Release Thread) (Warbeast’s Website)
  25. DM-Worm (Release Thread)
  26. DM-DG-NecrisIsland (Release Thread)
  27. DM-Marauder-SE (Release Thread)
  28. DM-DG-OutOfGas (Release Thread)
  29. DM-Fractal (Release Thread)
  30. DM-Xenon (Release Thread)
  31. DM-WhiteRealm (Release Thread)
  32. DM-DG-Waterfalls (Release Thread)
  33. DM-StalwartXL (Release Thread)
  34. DM-TempestX2 (Release Thread)
  35. DM-Acquisition (Release Thread)
  36. DM-Liandri (Release Thread)
  37. DM-Agony-SE (Release Thread)
  38. DM-TheConveyor (Release Thread)
  39. DM-Shrine (Release Thread)
  40. DM-Krodan (Release Thread) (Hourence’s Website)
  41. DM-Downpour
  42. DM-Codex (Release Thread)
  43. DM-Cath


  1. Love the fact I can dl a map right off this site. I just did for to fix Stalwart!!

  2. Well, as long as I keep up on the links anyway :).

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