Note: No need to download these – they are small enough to get from the server if they are not on redirect.
- Camera Control (Release Thread)
- Allows mouse wheel zooming while in a vehicle just like UT2004.
- UltraInstagib (Release Thread)
- A Zoom Instagib mutator.
- There is a corrupt version of this on the redirect I use so it will have to download from my server which will be a bit slower.
- Allow Player Alias
- Allows you to change your name when your name when you connect to the MCC server. Just type “mutate setalias newname” in the console and the server will remember it every time you connect.
- UT3Stats
- The UT3Stats mutator writes to a MySQL database on my site and keep track of tons of interesting gameplay info. See the Stats page on the top menu for the results.
- No Player Tags
- In the votable section on the server. Allows players to vote out the use of player tags which are on by default on the server.
- Server Adverts
- Displays server related messages on map start.
- Free FOV
- Allows you to change your field of view beyond the in-game settings using the “mutate fov xx” value in the console. Valid values are 90 to 130.
- UTCompIIIv4 Beta 2
- In-game interface allowing clients an element of control over what they see and hear on the server.
- TalkingIcon v1.0 (Release Thread)
- Adds a bubble over a players’ head in-game when the player is typing in the console or mini-console.
Note: If you have access to the “Demos” folder on my server, you will need to have all of the mutators installed on your local machine. You can either use a cache cleaner or install all of the mutators on the MCC server in this single zip pack HERE.
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