Zaccubus is now an official UT contributor and has gone totally pro with his new guides and tutorials for UT4. These are fantastic!
He has put the new collection together on one YouTube page that can be accessed HERE and also on the left menu link.
Zaccubus is now an official UT contributor and has gone totally pro with his new guides and tutorials for UT4. These are fantastic!
He has put the new collection together on one YouTube page that can be accessed HERE and also on the left menu link.
Chonglee has updated his DM-Peak-CLee level and it continues to impress with numerous changes. I’m still a little unsure about the add-on section myself but I’ve never been disappointed by a Chonglee map so I’m sure it will turn out fine.
UT community member codexe has put together an amazing set of visuals as he extends on the work he started for the Polycount contest.
He’s putting together a complete set of custom meshes and materials that looks like it will compete for “sets the bar” honors with Epic’s own content when that is released. Incredible!
For more info, follow the forum thread HERE.
Epic squeezed out a last minute Valentine’s gift today with a new build for the UT pre-alpha. The big item in this release is KazeoHin’s Flak Cannon! Great to see this in game!
Also on the list of major changes in this build is an update to Unreal Engine 4.7 (preview 5), an arena mutator, selectable country flags, a mid-game menu, and a new skill rating system that will lead to improved matchmaking eventually.
Use the Epic Launcher to get the latest. You may not get the update button if you left the Launcher open during the update (I had to close and reopen it this time).
In this episode of the Fortnite Show, the team shows off some of the wacky forts built by players and reviews game statistics. Fascinating to the see the statistics and see what players are focusing on.
Today’s UT Project Update is chock full of info on the Hub system and evolution of the menu system. Joe did touch on the potential for multiple physical servers connected to one Hub which makes sense to me but won’t be addressed any time soon.
Hubs are getting a bit more exciting due to the capability that will be provided to server admins with regards to game setup, team forming, player rank limits etc.
Steve brought up the semi-controversial rocket launcher change (sequential alt-fire) and made some good points on spending more time testing usage models. The jury is still out on this one.
This week’s build should also have updates to the shock rifle and possibly the enforcer and flak.
Go HERE to watch the full Twitch stream.
Epic put out a very solid build today which fixes the performance issues in last week’s build caused by a HUD overlay issue.
Also new in this build is the shock rifle 1p & 3p mesh with 1p wip animations. Great to see this get in game! Another surprise with the shock is a secondary fire effect and combo effect which looks fantastic and next gen as it should.
Other major changes are a massive overhaul of the menu system with layout changes, friends list etc. I finally see the first Hub up tonight with Pete’s Hub showing up online. Still a few non-functional aspects of this but good to see this coming along. As usual, see the site links on the left for the Launcher if you don’t have the game and Weekly Build Release notes for all of the build info.
Due to other commitments, community member Tidal Blast has handed over his enforcer design to Epic’s own YemYam to keep it moving forward and get it in the game.
YemYam posted the following image in the forums today, showing lots of promise.
In this week’s UT project update Twitch stream, we finally get to see some of the assets that will be available to map makers. Epic’s Josh Marlow shows off a massive amount of meshes that he created for what looks to be a Liandri-type bucket of assets.
It is quite amazing to see what can be done in UE4 with these assets. Changing color and other effects looks to be much more powerful than UE3. He even showed off a mesh that had bendable joints which opens up a whole new world for mappers.
UT community member KazeoHin-TechAE is nearing the finish line with his incredible flak design. There is so much detail and effort involved in producing something like this. Can’t wait to see this in game!
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