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Unreal Tournament | Unreal Engine News

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UT Twitch Broadcast: “Make Something Go BOOM!”

Epic has uploaded today’s Unreal Tournament Twitch broadcast to YouTube.  It’s long at 42 minutes but tons of good info from the team!

Also, make sure to check out the “Make Something Go BOOM!” Community Challenge HERE.

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UT Twitch Today at 3pm EDT

Epic is going to try and do more regular video updates on the new UT starting today. The first Twitch broadcast on the dedicated UT Twitch channel will be today 6/11 at 3pm EDT.

BeyondUnreal Podcast Episode 4 Available

The BU guys are back with Episode 4 of their awesome Podcast series where they summarize the development of the new UT. These are fantastic! This one is their best yet and really brings you up to date on UT development nicely.


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Unreal Engine 4.2 Released!

Unreal Engine 4.2 was released today with a massive list of updates and bug fixes. The most anticipated aspect is the addition of vehicles and along with it vehicle physics. This will be a required release in order for Epic to build the new version of Onslaught into the new UT :). Read more HERE.

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BeyondUnreal Podcast Episode 3

Sir Brizz and The White Dragon and hitting their stride now with the third edition of the BU Podcasts. Once again, they filter the good stuff out of the mayhem that is the new UT development forum. Excellent job guys!


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MCC Server GameSpy Switchover Complete

The MCC server has been patched and seems to be working properly. I patched my own client UT3 and was able to see the MCC server with a correct ping and join it properly.

You will need to update your game in accordance with THIS post to be able see the server on the server list. You will have to delete all previous Favorites and add them back (once they are all patched) or else they will show 9999 for a ping.

UT3 Client Patch

Remember that you will have to create a new user name. This is your chance to create the username you always wanted 🙂 but couldn’t have due to GameSpy’s gigantic database. If you want to keep your Stats on this site logging correctly and you don’t want to have to use UTComp to change your name, make sure your name change is identical to the one listed in the Stats.

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BeyondUnreal Podcast Episode 2

Good to see BeyondUnreal back in action after being fairly dormant without a new UT for so many years. They have been putting together excellent Podcasts, bringing together media releases about the new UT along with culled forum info. If you don’t want to comb the new UT forums for hours, these Podcasts are a good alternative.


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UT Deathmatch – First Play!

The Epic UT crew indulged in their first rudimentary Deathmatch play, testing out their barely 3 week old baby. So awesome to be able to watch this unfold before our eyes.

Read more on the Epic Community site.

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PC Gamer Talks to Steve Polge About The New UT

In case you missed it, PC Gamer interviewed Steve Polge last week discussing the new UT. It’s a bit of a rehash but he does clarify some points already made so it’s still a good read. Check it out HERE.

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DM-Deck WIP Update from ChongLee

Wow ChongLee is making good progress on his version of Deck for the new UT! He completely changed out the static mesh model of the map with BSP so he will now have in-editor control of quick architecture changes. Exciting to see this progressing!

Notice that the current early build of UT now has some rudimentary UT weapons in (models ported from UT3). Really cool to watch UT being built right before our eyes!


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