Nvidia has put out a downloadable demo for people with Maxwell GPUs that recreates the Apollo 11 moon landing. It’s all powered by Unreal Engine 4 but I have to say, I’ve seen much more impressive visuals in other UE4 demos.
Nvidia has put out a downloadable demo for people with Maxwell GPUs that recreates the Apollo 11 moon landing. It’s all powered by Unreal Engine 4 but I have to say, I’ve seen much more impressive visuals in other UE4 demos.
There are some incredibly exciting and encouraging signs regarding the new UT going on in the weapon forums. YemYam, an Epic modeler for 11 years, has joined the team. To get a feel for his mind-blowing capability, check out his portfolio HERE.
With YemYam coming on board, the rate of development for models will increase dramatically (it has been rather slow so far). His idea is to start getting crude prototypes in the game which I think is much better than Epic working behind the scenes with that part of the process and then revealing something final. Follow the development thread HERE.
Here’s his first cut model of Gooba’s Shock Rifle concept:
On the community modeling side, Tidal Blast is doing an incredible job of modeling Gooba’s Enforcer concept. Can’t wait to get my virtual hands on these babies!
This week’s broadcast starts off with a 15 minute match between Chumb0 and Bleh that occurred at last weekends Epic event. Nice comeback by Bleh!
The main highlight for me in this broadcast was the discussion regarding the reveal of an internal map that only event members could see. Epic has been building a next gen map that will set the bar for mappers in all aspects. I can’t wait for the reveal!
In this week’s edition, The White Dragon and Sir Brizz discuss the crazy new goo functionality. I have to agree with them that it’s a fun mechanic but basically useless at this point.
They also discuss the changes to CTF-Outside, the new map in this week’s build – CTF-Blank, and the current netcode performance. Lastly, they discuss Brizz’s movement mutators which are a HOT topic in the forums right now ;).
I recommend everyone playing the UT pre-alpha to use the Unreal Engine Launcher interface. I experienced a version mismatch this weekend between the forum download version and the launcher version.
I think the plans are to get everyone switched over to the launcher anyway and to deprecate the forum download links. You will also have much smaller weekly downloads if you use the launcher version.
If you already have an Unreal Engine 4 subscription, you already have the launcher. If you don’t, you can go HERE and download it separately and use it just for UT.
Evilmrfrank has a long running thread on the UE4 forums where he documents his initial foray into UE4. He’s known for some killer maps for the UT series and it’s a treat to watch his thought process as he works through the development of a sci-fi city scene in the video below.
For more info, you can check out the UE4 thread HERE.
Go to the Unreal Tournament Twitch channel to watch the action!
Epic was able to get this week’s build out earlier than usual. Most likely this is due to the Community Event this weekend. Another new CTF map in this build, CTF-Blank!
Check out the changelog HERE.
In this week’s update Steve Polge shows off some crazy changes to the Bio Rifle. In this build, you can use goo in combination with the link gun to make some crazy traps. They also reveal that there will be another Epic event this weekend so be sure to go to the UT Twitch channel to follow the action.
The White Dragon and Sir Brizz keep on rolling with another solid update on the current state of the new UT.
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