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Unreal Tournament | Unreal Engine News

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UT4 NA Blitz Cup July 14th

The first Blitz Cup sponsored by the North American Blitz community is all set to roll on July 14th at 12pm CT/ 5pm GMT.

To follow the cup live, conX5 will be streaming on Twitch:

Go here to check out the ladder:

Hub Bandwidth Usage Holding Steady

Unreal Carnage Dallas Hub bandwidth usage has managed to stay well over the 250GB usage per month since December.

This is quite surprising given the amount of games out there competing for players time. The arrival of Apex Legends had very little effect for example.

It’s quite likely at this point that if Epic ever came back to UT that it would not involve the current iteration. It is now almost two years behind the latest Unreal Engine version not to mention that the team that worked on this version would most likely not be re-formed.

One thing is for sure – Epic won’t make another UT if there’s nobody interested in it so keep jumping on the hub people 😀.

Preview of Reworked DM-Erase

Flikswich has posted a video of a substantially reworked DM-Erase. Time will tell if it captures lightning in a bottle like the first version did…

Sounds like a link will be available soon – stay tuned for hub availability.

Unreal Tournament World Duel Cup

With a total prize pool of $500, UT4 fans will be glued to the UT World Duel Cup sponsored by UTPugs. The fun starts at 1:30 PM EST tomorrow, March 9th.

Here’s the prize money breakdown:

Pool for Division 1: $375 ($150, $100, $70, $55)

Pool for Division 2: $125 ($50, $35, $25, $15)

Go HERE to check out the brackets.

Stream Link:

Retrospective on Deck-16

Here’s a decent retrospective on Deck-16 through the years starting with Unreal 1.

What is unique about this posting is in the comments section where the original creator of Deck-16, Myscha the sleddog, posts a comment.

Always good to know some of these guys are still around and paying attention. Credits to Heresiarch for finding this.

UT Renaissance : Launching Development Stream Series

UT Renaissance Development launches development stream series which will help to establish connection between players and community developers.During every episode of stream developers will show off their personal artwork and stuff they work on and implement in game.This will help playerbase to stay tuned in whats going on with UT.Players are welcome give any advice and even critique.Remember that WE are building the UT at this point and your feedback is important for us.Be it new idea or just advice.
Tomorrow is our first stream of pilot episode.
Here are the Twitch and Youtube links where the episodes will be streamed.


Another Bandwidth Record For Unreal Carnage Hub

The Unreal Carnage Dallas hub hit another milestone on bandwidth usage with 345GB for January. This is the third consecutive month of substantial bandwidth increases. The Chicago hub has also seen significant month-on-month gains.

Most of this is due to the fact that Quick Match is still down coupled with a “Shroud bump” after Shroud played UT on Twitch. It’s a shame that players are quitting the game due to the demise of Quick Match but at least a few are finding the hubs.

The Unreal Carnage redirect server also saw a record with 880GB worth of downloads for January. Getting close to a terabyte per month…

Shroud Plays UT!

One of the world’s top Twitch streamers played UT today in front of thousands of viewers. Hopefully it will wake Epic up from their slumber…

There was a bit of activity on the Epic Discord channel with both Flak and RZE chatting a bit. Good to see.

Here’s the clip starting after a Quickplay attempt fail.

New Frag Video by w)v

Some awesome frags by mouz member w)v!

Unreal Carnage Hub Update

Moxnix has decided to join forces and unify his Chicago hub under the Unreal Carnage banner.

This made the most sense since the community is small and we’re using the same redirect, server provider, and Discord channel.

Moxnix, Metalfist, Power, and myself can admin both hubs. The Chicago and Dallas hubs won’t be deployed identically at this point which will give Moxnix the leeway to try different rulesets on the Chicago server.

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