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Unreal Tournament | Unreal Engine News

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Boss Key’s “Project BlueStreak” Pre-Alpha Teaser

There’s quite a bit of competition going on right now with pre-release arena fps’s! Not to be outdone, Cliffy’s Project Bluestreak released a pre-alpha teaser showing some nice imagery but no game play.

I’m certainly not going to complain about another UE4-based FPS!


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UT Project Update: Outpost 23 with the Art Team, GDC

This week’s UT pre-alpha update recaps the mega UT week at GDC and Chris Perna’s new flak shell design. In addition, they do a walkthrough of DM-Outpost23 which was a big hit last week and GDC and online.

One interesting remark for Chris is that he clearly states that they are not done with character lighting and Outpost23 itself. Will be amazing to see the visuals get even better!

Check out the Twitch stream HERE.

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Unreal Carnage UT4 Server Status

Some of you may have seen an Unreal Carnage.com server and/or HUB running for the last few days. I’m still working on fine tuning and load balancing in addition to dealing with expected pre-alpha weirdness.

Apologies to people that have joined the HUB and cannot create a new match due to the “out of instances” error. Other admins are seeing the same thing so hopefully this can be worked out soon. Hope to see you guys online.

It may not always be online due to testing/issues but check back here for updates. Don’t forget that the server needs to be updated after every new build which takes a bit of time.

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BeyondUnreal Podcast: Episode 29

Sir Brizz and The White Dragon take on the most important UT pre-alpha build to date with the inclusion of DM-Outpost23 and many other upgrades. They call out the difficulty of seeing the characters in Outpost which I didn’t find to be a big issue. Sure it’s not as easy as a HOLP map, but still better than most stock UT3 maps.

The other issue with Outpost is the outside/inside transitions which I found adds a new dynamic to game play. For example, I find myself having to make a decision to enter the “power beam” room from the outside based partly on sound.

The hard core players have a tendency to want to graphically dumb down the game. I think we can still have great action yet still have great visuals. They mention the shock combo effect in the podcast which I’m disappointed to see it get graphically less interesting in the name of visibility.

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Unreal Engine 4 2015 Features Trailer

The latest Unreal Engine video outlines their currentĀ astonishing feature set. Hard to believe this is free!


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High Resolution UT Image

This screenshot from the Unreal Tournament blog site is really quite mind boggling. I don’t think a shock rifle in any UT has looked better than that.

It’s definitely going to be new rig time to maximize my UT pleasure. šŸ™‚

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Unreal Engine 4 Kite Demo – Real Time – Running on TITAN X

As part of the #UE4 Free announcement, Epic put together a beautiful demo for the Epic Games keynote address at GDC 2015.

The video below shows the demo running in real time on the new Nvidia Titan X.

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Unreal Tournament GDC Trailer

Epic put together a short new UT4 trailer for theĀ GDCĀ that will get you pumped if you have any UT blood in you at all. Lots of positive comments online about the current build. Exciting times for UT fans!


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UT Project Udpate: Epic at GDC

Epic’s weekly broadcast is from the Game Developers Conference this week with Epic having a large presenceĀ alongsideĀ the huge “UE4 is free” announcement.

Surprise guests this week are community members Captain Migraine and KazeoHin-TechAE who were both presented with Nvidia Titan cards for their contributions (DM-Lea and the Flak Cannon respectively). Congrats guys!

Check out the Twitch feed from earlier today HERE.

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DM-Outpost23 Video by Jay22

Jay22 posted this HD video of the incredible new DM-Outpost 23 map in the Unreal Tournament pre-alpha. The lighting and texture quality is quite incredible.

Chris Perna’s “set’s the bar” map is here!


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