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Unreal Tournament | Unreal Engine News

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New Malcolm, Necris Characters and New Visuals in Outpost 23

In keeping with the massive GDC update for UT, this build contains a brand new Malcolm and the addition of a Necris character alongside a new map with incredible visuals, Outpost 23!

Unreal Engine 4 and New UT Editor Now Free!!

In a surprise announcement today, Epic Games has dropped the subscription model on Unreal Engine 4 and will now offer it for free! In addition, they have created a UT specific editor that is also free. Just like the good ole’ days!  Epic was even kind enough to refund part of my subscription costs!

Nothing like a little event called the Game Developers Conference to spark some big announcements!


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Launcher Update: Free UT Editor and Pre-Alpha Update

Also updated today is the Launcher which now features the free (!!) UT specific editor, a pre-alpha game update, and the first release of the UT Marketplace with hats and Captain Migraine’s DM-Lea map.

Quite an overload of UE/UT goodness today!

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Female Necris Concepts by Xenomon

Forum member Xenomon is working on some concepts for a Female Necris in UT4 and is off to a good start using Chris Perna’s initial concepts as inspiration. There are great possibilities for variation on nanoblack effects on the skin.

Hopefully at some point, part of the character customization process will allow movement of the nanoblack facial texture for further individualization. Follow Xenomon’s thread in the forums HERE.

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No New UT Build This Weekend

Steve Polge dropped into the forums today and said there will not be a new UT pre-alpha build this weekend. That’s a shame since the current build is not playable for me due to the costly weapon effects. Here’s hoping for an improvement on that next week.

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Unreal Engine 4.7 Released

As usual, each new release of Unreal Engine includes a massive amount of updates. There are many refinements in Version 4.7 with better support for large world designs, VR, releastic lighting (below) and much more.

See the full release notes HERE.

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UT Project Update: DM-Lea, Tutorial Level and Weapon Update

This week’s UT Project Update was basically a filler update due to snow causing Epic employees to miss work. They discussed the current state of Captain Migraine’s DM-Lea remake in addition to reviewing Clawfist’s awesome Tutorial Level.

During the Tutorial Level showoff, some further weapon updates could be seen primarily regarding weapon visual effects. Here’s hoping the next build will have less “costly” weapon effects since the current build brings my puter to its knees.

The snow has really slowed progress but Jim Brown hinted at larger updates coming soon so we have that to look forward to.  Go HERE to watch the Twitch stream.

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Beyond Unreal Podcast #28

The BU guys are back with Podcast Episode #28 for the UT4 pre-alpha. Topics are the new training mode and gripes about weapon effects. Hopefully we can keep eye candy and have great play-ability!

TimEh’s Domination Mode Test

TimEh has been hard at work on a version of Domination for the new UT. Great to see this coming along and here’s hoping it will be incorporated into the game at some point.


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2/20/15 UT Pre-Alpha Build Available

Call this the snowed-in release if you will but Epic didn’t let a few road closures stop them from getting a new release of the UT pre-alpha out this week.

Notable changes right off the bat are texturing on the flak cannon, new effects, many menu changes that make getting around easier, the beginnings of a robust training mode and a training videos link that will likely eventually incorporate Zaccubus’ awesome tutorials without having to watch them inside the Epic blog interface as you have to currently.

The full changelog wasn’t ready at the time of this post but I’m sure it will be up shortly. Check the left side menu link for updates.

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