What started as a UT4 state of development video turned into more of an in-your-face frag video juxtaposed against Tim Sweeney’s embarrassing stumble on Twitch trying to clarify the state of development on UT.
Nice job Fjaru!
What started as a UT4 state of development video turned into more of an in-your-face frag video juxtaposed against Tim Sweeney’s embarrassing stumble on Twitch trying to clarify the state of development on UT.
Nice job Fjaru!
On the Unreal Engine 2018 year in review Twitch stream, Tim Sweeney discusses a bit more about the state of Unreal Tournament.
It doesn’t sound like they are going to kill it but they certainly have no plans to work on it in the near future.
In an article on Variety today, Tim Sweeney mentioned that Unreal Tournament currently “isn’t actively developed”. Not a big surprise for most people but still hurts long time fans to see it in print.
The game has not been cancelled yet, so who knows, maybe the switch will get turned on again at some point. There was also an article featured today on PC Gamer.
The Unreal Carnage Hub set another bandwidth usage record this past month with 251GB total bandwidth used, completely obliterating the last record of 161GB set in September.
A small portion can be attributed to issues with Quick Play, but usage was fairly consistent across the month which means some Quick Play types have discovered hubs are much more fun :-).
On top of that, the Unreal Carnage redirect server also not surprisingly set a bandwidth record of 725GB for the month.
The overall bandwidth usage trend has continued to go up as seen in the charts below.
Unreal Tournament 4 will be featured this time around in the BYOC tournaments at DreamHack Atlanta this November. There will be a $1200 prize pool even! Go HERE to signup and learn more. If you want even more info, pester Barry “Barballs” Cogan in the Unreal Carnage Discord channel :).
Phantaci has created an awesome new @utgame mutator to collect hub stats and display them on a web page. To access stats for the Unreal Carnage hub, click on “Hub Stats” on the top menu and search for the hub in the search box in the upper right corner. This is still a work-in-progress by Phantaci so things might change over time.
Note this is currently only for team games i.e. no Deathmatch stats yet. The mutator is currently active on all of the ProMode rulesets on the hub under Featured. If you want stats collected on a Custom match, you will need to select the Global Stats mutator when setting up the match.
Special shout out to Chatouille for creating the http blueprint to connect the server to the stats webserver.
This is a massive new release that includes tons of stuff the Unreal Engine team has learned from Fortnite. The major focus is on visual optimizations for mobile.
One standout feature is the addition of Platform Material Stats. This allows you to see expected performance on difference platforms right inside the material editor. Very cool.
Go HERE for the full list of features in 4.20.
Hard to believe it has been twenty years since the release of Unreal. So many good times playing this game. Not only was the single player fantastic but the ability to play online coop and of course the predecessor to UT, Unreal botmatch, extended the gameplay massively.
Here’s a nice tribute video by Shivaxi.
Nobody really knows at this point whether or not Epic will shut down UT4 just like it did with Paragon. At this point it makes little sense to do so and the game is recently showing new signs of life even without Epic’s attention.
While the community is still extremely small, there has been a steady increase in the number of players lately. The Unreal Carnage Hub has seen its highest bandwidth usage ever in the last month since it has been in operation (since March 2015).
Additionally, many people are reporting that you can jump in a Quickmatch and almost always find players right away, most often with many non-familiar names that are new to the game. The interesting thing about Quickmatch players is that they are not counted in the game anywhere so nobody really knows how many there are. Only Epic knows…
Lastly, the Pro Weapons mod has been very well received with some long time players coming back to the game because of the mod.
Only time will tell how this plays out, but there are promising signs of life.
The Chaos mod for UT4 continues to roll on. You can see the incredible progress the team has made in the following video. Nice work guys!
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