All of the new COMP 2 maps are installed on the server. They are listed under the “Deathmatch – HOLP” vote menu. If you haven’t installed them yet, you should be able to get them from the redirect. Please post any issues in the forum.
All of the new COMP 2 maps are installed on the server. They are listed under the “Deathmatch – HOLP” vote menu. If you haven’t installed them yet, you should be able to get them from the redirect. Please post any issues in the forum.
I brand new “COMP” pack has been released on the Epic Forums today! Led by the maker of DM-Facemash, NØØb_Zaibot and supported by various folks including members of the UOF team, this pack is a long time in coming. I may not be able to get these up on the server right away but rest assured, they will be soon! Early Christmas present guys! Download it HERE.
It looks like everything is back to normal after a server move to another node. Please post any issues in the forum.
**Update**: It looks like it is back up but I’m getting a tickrate error on the console so I’m not sure if that will cause issues. Will do some testing tonight.
Repair ticket in progress. Stay tuned for updates.
DM-AlpsDawnDuel2 was finally released today by Thrallala.
Quote from Epic Forums:
“Almost identical to the original UT2003/2004 CliffyB Ownage awarded map made by Emmanuel “Krolizard” Da Roit”
Wizd3m has a new review of Dark’s CTF-Rising map and…. he like’s it! To check it out in battle, be sure to join his CTF-based Dead Gamer’s Tears server (see Servers menu for banner).
Well it’s about time! Nvidia is building a module to put inside monitors that will automatically sync a Kepler-based GPU to the monitor without the need to sync to the vertical refresh. Personally, I’ve always turned vsync on because I can’t stand the tearing but it would be nice to have higher frame rates than 60fps if there is plenty of processing power headroom left.
Check out the full article HERE.
Here’s a discussion with Epic designers regarding character creation for the awesome Unreal Engine 4 Infiltrator Demo:
The HitPoint Gamer website has an excellent interview with a top UT3 player, Hypno. Check it out HERE. Included is a video with his commentary while he is playing. Very interesting to hear his thought process while he’s playing. This is a must watch!
I decided to give UTComp another try so folks that are into that can enjoy their beloved crosshairs and hit sounds. I’ve locked out most of the voting capability since it is not quite as flexible on gametype voting as the stock vote menu.
Another important thing to note: I’ve removed the Player Alias mutator since that functionality is built-in to UTComp. If you were using a player alias using that older mutator, you will need to go to the Misc menu in UTComp (F5 key) and type your alias back in there exactly like you had it with the old mutator. If you get it wrong, UTStats will start collecting an all-new set of stats, not tied to your old alias (I believe UTStats is even case sensitive to player names). Look at how your name is currently recorded by visiting the Stats page on this site to make sure you make it the same.
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