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Author: MauL (page 18 of 52)

Gooba’s Necris Skaarj Concept

Gooba posted an amazing Necris Skaarj concept for UT (@utgame) a while back in the Skaarj thread on the forums. Not many people are checking out that forum thread these days because it got a bit stale. It is so incredible, in typical Gooba style, that I thought it was worth posting to make sure more people see it.

I’m almost at the point where Gooba can pretty much concept everything out for UT and the game can be built from there. So rare to see a “miss” from Gooba.


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UT Project Update: New Link Gun, Community Q&A

Pete Hayes (aka YemYam) was back for this week’s UT project (@utgame) update and as usual, had some great stuff to show. Key among those items were updated Link Gun renders and animations. It is looking insanely awesome even at this early stage.

Community Q&A also returned this week and is a great feature that will hopefully stay.  It’s fantastic to hear candid responses from Steve and the team. The big shocker this week was Steve’s comment on the potential to revisit Sneh’s wall-running concept. Climbs back on chair…

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DM-Morbias Playable on Unreal Carnage HUB

The DM-Morbias for UT (@utgame) made by Jim Brown was supposed to make the 5/28 build but slipped through the cracks for some reason. For the impatient types like me, you can play it online on the Unreal Carnage HUB under the “DM All Maps” gametype.

One reason it might not have gotten into the game is because it was misspelled as “DM-Morbais”. Doh!


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Updated UT Link Gun Renders

Pete Hayes, aka Yem Yam, has released some new screenshots of his link gun WIP. It’s looking great! For more screenshots, be sure to follow the development thread HERE.

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UT Project Update: Community Q&A and New Gooba Level

This week’s UT Pre-alpha Project Update starts off in a map review. It’s not just any map review though, it’s Gooba’s new level DM-Sand (which is available to play on the Unreal Carnage HUB).

There will be a new build on 5/28 that will include Frag Center, improved spectating camera system, improved first person spectating, DM-Morbias(!!), DM-Solo, and  CTF-Mine. They have also added in-match stats in the scoreboard and end match stats. Custom match creation for offline play and Hubs will be back!

The stream also featured the much anticipated return of a Q&A session with Epic taking questions from the forums. Here’s a few of the highlights:

Mouse movement:  Steve thinks networking might be the problem but acknowledges issues.

Player Movement:  No immediate movement changes.  Adding effects for movement to make them easier to read.

Netcode changes :  Steve mentions several netcode changes that will be worked on in the near future.

Matchmaking:   Coming soon and expanding on what is in the Hub functionality already.

Rypelcam tools:  There will be new demorec tools with DVD-like controls and a replay system.

Vehicle gametypes:  Steve says they are still a while away from vehicle gametypes.

Server downloading of  custom maps: They will be working on improving server stuff relating to downloading custom maps.

Voice taunts:  On Jim’s todo list.

Bind text to a key:  They weren’t sure if it was already functional.

Anti-cheat: Speed hack prevention in the next build and much more to come when the game is much farther along.

Should be a new female character soon.

Steve says alpha (dropping the “pre”) is coming at the end of summer.

Frag Center!

On this week’s UT Project Update (@utgame), the Epic team showed off the new Frag Center interface that will hopefully appear in the next build. The concept is to have a mix of community highlights, screenshots, videos, and Unreal world themed sequences.

Like the Launcher and Hub interface, it will probably take several iterations to find the optimal layout and functionality but this announcement has put quite a bit of excitement into the next release of the pre-alpha.

Hopefully Epic will be able to produce a number of Unreal/UT themed matinee sequences and not just rely on the community to make those. The Unreal/UT lore is one of the key things that provides extra depth to the series.

Frag Center

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Necris Facemask by Codexe

I’ve been remiss in not posting the last update to Codexe’ amazing Necris Facemask for the new UT.

If we can get more of this kind of quality and integration with the character from community designs, it will lighten the load significantly on the small Epic team with regards to character variations. This is top quality stuff! Hopefully this will be on the marketplace soon.

Follow the development thread HERE.

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DM-Mimicry WIP by Fjaru

Fjaru is working on a very clean UT4 map called DM-Mimicry that looks like it will end up in my playlist for sure. Hard to say if he’s going for a HOLP style since it is a WIP but I’d take it just like it is! See the forum thread for info and downloads.

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Site Music Player Update

Just a quick update to let visitors know that the default behavior of the music player will no longer be set to autoplay. If you want to rock out to UT music on the site, just hit the play button in the upper left.

Also, for those that aren’t aware, you can open the playlist in the upper right corner to access 51 available tracks.

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DM-FractalCore by Venguard Released

Venguard has released his Fractal remake, DM-FractalCore. He went through quite a few iterations and the final is a great version of Fractal for UT4. All of the Fractal goodness is there with excellent player visibility to boot. To read more about the making of this map, check out the forum thread HERE.

Will be putting this up on the UC Hub (when I get a chance to get custom content working…).

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