Here we go! It had to happen right? Now what we need are some gloves that can make you feel like you’re holding the shock rifle!
Here we go! It had to happen right? Now what we need are some gloves that can make you feel like you’re holding the shock rifle!
Stevelois has been hard at work on a new low-poly style deathmatch map for UT3 called DM-Valon. He recently made some changes to the visuals going from a bright daylight look to an orange-brown sky and ambience. I have to say the change is stunning and has me really looking forward to this one. Read more on Epic.
If you’re wondering why the already minuscule player count on UT3 servers seems even smaller, it could be because a ton of folks are playing the Titanfall Beta right now. Slated to be released on March 11th, Titanfall is notable in the UT community because it is has some similar player movements for the players on foot.
If you’ve been living under a rock and have never seen footage of Titanfall :), watch the video below and pay close attention to the wall dodging moves.
Apologies to all who played on the server last night (enoch, rasoula, ghost, cry, blackwolf etc.) for my continuous admin login/logout fiasco. I bought a new mouse that has right side buttons that want to return to a previous function even after I reprogrammed them.
This caused the buttons to act like page up/page down which are my server admin login keys. There were no admin hax going on honest :). I will have this fixed the next time I play if I have to break out the sledgehammer!
On another note, at the end we started hitting some of the retail levels which I hadn’t played in a while. Dayam I forgot how much they suck for UT! Without player tags, the players don’t stand out well like on low poly maps. Lack of player visibility is why we lost some good folks out of the UT community like Fuegerstef. They are beautiful in many cases but they just don’t work in a fast paced shooter IMO.
I finally got around to installing the TalkingIcon v1.0 mutator on the server. If you’re not familiar with this, it places a bubble over your head if the full console or mini console are open and presumably the player is typing. It is on the redirect so no need to download.
More news on the Gears of War purchase by Microsoft. It looks like Epic’s GOW forums are shutting down and will available for archive viewing only. I feel really bad for those guys who had posted so many years on there. As a long time Epic Forums member myself on the UT side, I can understand why there are a lot of sad folks over there.
Maybe I should start a new thread before the GOW forums shutdown that says something like, “hey guys, if you want to stay with Epic just play UT3”? Okay maybe that’s not such a good idea…
Wow, it is really hard to tell what is going on with Epic these days! No sign of anything Unreal for years and now they are selling their biggest franchise to Microsoft. This is really quite shocking to me honestly. Read more HERE.
PlayForGG’s new map now has a name and a beta version to go with it! Check out more info and download the beta HERE.
PlayForGG has posted some new screenshots of a low poly map he’s making for UT3. This is definitely one to watch. Check out the full set of screenshots HERE.
Okay I know we’re all starved for a new UT that seems less and less likely to happen. The good news is, it seems like others are looking to pick up the slack.
First there was the news of CliffyB talking about a new arena-style game, now Fetid on the Epic forums has pointed out a game called Reflex which has as their tag line “A competitive first person shooter that combines modern tech with the speed and precision of 90s shooters.” Count me in! 😛
Here’s a video of some very early footage. Notable is the fact that they are developing their own engine. They’ve got a long way to go but it’s great to know that there are developers out there that miss the 90’s game-play as much as I do.
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