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Category: Unreal Tournament (page 28 of 37)

BeyondUnreal Podcast: Episode 11

This week’s podcast is a bit of a downer since it focuses on the current state of movement.

Unfortunately, there is quite a bit of complaining in general in the community about the movement right now and it doesn’t seem to be a big issue to Epic right now. It’s still early days but this is definitely worrying. I’m confident they will get it right though.

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UT Project Update: Visual Clarity and Official Concept Art Preview

This week’s UT project update turns up the heat and my personal excitement level by showing some visual quality concepts.

Chris Perna shows some texturing and meshing that he performed on David Spelinski’s test map by doing an in-editor fly through. I have to say, he nailed it exactly. It looks next gen and will have high visual clarity for player visibility. This is giving me quite a bit of confidence in this teams’ ability to articulate what a next gen UT should look like visually. This project update is a must watch for UT fans!

Flak also released a WIP concept image in the forums of the map.


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BeyondUnreal Podcast: Episode 9 Available

Week nine is here and BU is on top of things with their excellent podcast series. If you are interested in the new UT, these are a must to keep you up to date on development.


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7/17/14 UT Build Images

Here’s a few screenshots from the latest build of UT. One of the more interesting aspects for me are the changes going on in the “Paul_Vis” map where he is testing visibility of players against meshes and materials. It’s great to see Epic taking the visibility aspect of the game very seriously.

One of the screenshots I took in the gallery below shows texture changes on the UT3 Malcolm that was imported into the game. You can see they are working on color changes to make the characters “pop” a bit more. Hopefully we can have great looking characters that won’t need brightskins!

Paul has also started a space assets map which is good to see. Going to need this to build a new Noxx! 😀

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UT Twitch Broadcast: Dodge This!

This week’s Twitch broadcast brings us back to movement discussion in a big way. Epic makes some very strong comments regarding movement. I hope the 2K4 types will stick with it and learn all of the tricks because Epic is leaning away from 2K4 movement at this point.


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BeyondUnreal Podcast: Episode 8

There’s been quite a bit going on relative to UT movement in the last week and the BU guys do a great job as usual of pulling all of the latest development together. Thanks guys!


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DM-Flustered WIP for UT by Barballs

Barry Cogan, aka Barballs has entered the mapping fray for the new UT. This is great news considering he’s one of my favorite mappers!

He’s starting out by bringing his DM-Flustered design into the new engine. Great to see some of the top mappers interested in the new UT!

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UT Twitch Broadcast: Level Design Scaling and Best Practices

This week’s UT project update focuses primarily on level design topics with David Spalinski leading much of the discussion on the mapping topics. Be sure to watch/listen to the end to hear the answers to forum members questions.


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DM-Peak WIP By ChongLee

I was pleasantly surprised to see that ChongLee has taken on the task of developing a DM-Peak for the new UT! Really looking forward to this. I’ve never seen a CL map that is not perfection. No pressure! 😛

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UT Master Challenge – Concept Art


Epic and Polycount have put together an art contest for the new UT! Concept art is probably the strongest part of the community contributions so far so this is a great idea from Epic.

Epic has provided screenshots of some of the blocked out maps so far such as Curse and Deck and is asking for artistic renditions of these screenshots as one approach. Original concepts are also welcome.

For more info, check out the Polycount site.



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