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Unreal Tournament | Unreal Engine News

DM-1on1-Pure-Pro2 released

Neillithan has released an updated version of DM-1on1-Pure with a “Pro2” version.  It has improved lighting and other subtle changes.  I particularly noticed the dynamic shadows on the floor originating from the asteroid belt outside.  Way cool.  This one has nice clean action and a beautiful skybox!  Get it HERE.



  1. Was unable to dl this map from links provided. A file with a different name dl’d instead into my downloads folder.

  2. It’s a little confusing in his post. Read the post again and click the link in the quote box.

  3. I was finally able to download this map. I have played the older version before, but had forgotten since it was a long time ago. The remake is awesome. Love the rotation of the station through the planet’s ring and the lighting and shaddow effects are remarkable. Great combination of atmosphere and game play!! Love HOLPs but they are kind of bland. It’s nice to see some atmosphere added to a level.

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