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Liandri Vault Review: CTF-Mako

Wizd3m has an excellent review of Stevelois‘ CTF-Mako.  I’m happy to see that he noticed the retail quality work that is going into Steve’s maps these days.  Read more HERE.


  1. Thanks Maul, as always 🙂
    I was wondering, do you have any thoughts on the new sidebar? Is it easy enough to use and navigate? Easier than before you think? Also, I finally made a facebook page to perhaps attract a bit more attention.

  2. Haha yeah you threw me for a loop there! I’m a bit torn on the new layout. Since you are doing multiple games, it really needs to be clear. Who am I to say though, my site is probably totally confusing LOL! I think the top menu was more clear to me to be honest. Facebook is probably a good idea. I’ve been avoiding drinking the Facebook Kool-Aid but I’m obviously in the minority. Will probably have to bite the bullet someday. FYI, my site has a new URL and slight name change if you want to edit that on your site. It is still redirecting from the old URL for a little while longer.

  3. I see what you mean, thanks for sharing. I have a little something in mind that could make the sidebar a little more obvious, but I doubt I can make it work. I’ll give it a try and let you know if you don’t mind sharing your opinion on the updated look later. Also, I decided to get rid of the top menu simply because with more games (I plan to add quite a few more), it starts looking very disorganized.
    Also, I’m very sorry for the old link to your site, I remember you mentioning it to me earlier, not sure how that slipped my mind. I’ll get that fixed right now. Thank you for your support man!

  4. Ok, I did a little sidebar update to make each section/game a little more discernible. Let me know what you think.

  5. Not a huge CTF fan but this description makes me want to try this level out!

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