Finally got the rain and lightning bolts visible online. Beta 3 should be a good playable representative of what could be a final. Still a bunch of small touches left. Installed it on the server so it’s ready to go.
Finally got the rain and lightning bolts visible online. Beta 3 should be a good playable representative of what could be a final. Still a bunch of small touches left. Installed it on the server so it’s ready to go.
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November 10, 2012 at 9:17 pm
Marty- the rain and lightning are there now and it is AWESOME!! I forgot how much I loved this map (original version) and you just keep bringing the best from the past with a great UT3 touch and some awesome insights and improvements to make the map your own. These MCC maps keep getting even better!
November 10, 2012 at 9:23 pm
Yeah that stuff really adds a lot. Glad I got it working!