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Category: General News (page 2 of 9)

Site Music Player Update

Just a quick update to let visitors know that the default behavior of the music player will no longer be set to autoplay. If you want to rock out to UT music on the site, just hit the play button in the upper left.

Also, for those that aren’t aware, you can open the playlist in the upper right corner to access 51 available tracks.

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Fortnite Live – An Introduction to Fortnite

This is the first episode on “Fortnite Live” where Epic discusses some of their goals with the pre-alpha. Some players that have signed up for the pre-alpha have not gotten access and Epic explains some of the challenges that they are facing with their business approach to Fortnite.

Epic is covering every aspect of Fortnite from development, cloud infrastructure, and self-production of the game. It is quite a bit to take on for a relatively small company so it’s clear to see that they are being very careful.

Also on the video is a substantial amount of gameplay footage.  Will be interesting to see how this all comes together.


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Boss Key’s “Project BlueStreak” Pre-Alpha Teaser

There’s quite a bit of competition going on right now with pre-release arena fps’s! Not to be outdone, Cliffy’s Project Bluestreak released a pre-alpha teaser showing some nice imagery but no game play.

I’m certainly not going to complain about another UE4-based FPS!


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New Project BlueStreak Concept Art

Cliffy’s game company BossKey, revealed some new concept art for Project BlueStreak on their Twitch stream today. There is still not a ton of info out there regarding what Project BlueStreak will actually be when it is released other than possibly an old-school FPS.

Whether it ends up being a first person shooter when it is finally released or something very different, it’s hard to say at this point. These renders below of “Rushmore Station” don’t look that FPSish to me but I certainly have high hopes for it with Cliffy involved.


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Toxikk: Steam Early Access Beta Available

I admit I’m keeping my eye on Toxikk since it unabashedly does not hide the fact that it takes much of its design concepts from UT.

I fired up the early access beta last night and I have to say that it’s a good attempt at a fun, UT-like game. In development by a small team at Reakktor studios over the last three years, the game is built on the UDK and uses many of the UT3 public assets that are available in the UDK.

They went for the highly cluttered environment look like UT3 but the characters are all fairly brightly lit with emissive materials so it is effectively similar to the brightskins mutators available in all UTs.

Movement-wise, it feels fairly fluid with a quite high double jump peak and a dodge and dodge-jump ala UT2004. The one caveat is that the dodge reset time is slow which is a little annoying coming from UT but I’m sure it was on purpose to tone down the movement a tad and give noobs a chance at getting a few kills.

I’m still learning the weapons and there is no visual ordering of weapons on the HUD so I don’t know the relative power of each of them yet. Overall, they have the basis for a pretty fun game that I’m sure will be tweaked by the final release.

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Unreal Carnage Is Now On Twitter

Unreal Carnage is now on Twitter so be sure to hit the ole’ Follow button. It’s auto linked to this site so it’s a good way to stay updated with this site plus I’ll be tweeting about many other UT and Unreal Engine related items.

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The Fortnite Show Episode 1: The Fort Awakens

In the first episode of the Fortnite Show, we get to meet some of the folks behind the scenes. An interesting, but quick discussion with Tanya Watson provides some insight into restructuring at Epic in terms of how they operate as a company. The game is looking pretty good at this point. Here’s hoping it’s a big success for Epic!


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Master Foundry Q&A: UT And Other Musings from Wizd3m

Wizd3m has put out a very enjoyable Q & A that covers UT3 and 4 and other questions. Be sure to check it out!

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DM-Mako L2 by Stevelois Released!

This is a map that Steve originally intended for the UOF 5 pack which has now been cancelled. I’m glad to see this map finally see the light of day so we can put it into action. Read more about DM-Mako L2 HERE.

DM-Mako L2 is installed on the server and ready to go under the Low Poly Deathmatch voting gametype.


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New Fortnite Footage

Epic has released new footage of Fortnite and is still taking signups to join alpha testing. I’m a bit surprised that they are not to beta yet and are bothering to let people in so early. It’s not UT after all ;).

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